SEO On-Page

SEO On Page Serveice

On-Page Optimization

SEO is defined as “on-page” (or “on-site”) the set of optimization activities within the pages of a site.

Our on-page SEO activities will focus on optimizing the HTML code, textual content, images, and internal links of the site.

Content optimization (SEO Copywriting)

Content is the most important part of SEO, in fact, advanced search engines, such as Google, are able to read the textual contents of a document, “understanding its meaning” and attributing a quality score and relevance to the queries.

A site should really contain useful and interesting content that creates value for users in order to obtain a good positioning on search engines. A site poor in the content will not be well-positioned, or in any case, it will be difficult to maintain its position in the long run. It is of fundamental importance, in addition to having good content, to have unique content, therefore not copied from other sites. Google notices when content is not original and penalizes it drastically in its results.

In this phase, we employ professional SEO-oriented copywriters who are able to create unique and captivating texts for users and which contain the right percentage of keywords capable of intercepting the queries requested by users in search engines.

SEO On-Page optimization interventions

We list the main areas of intervention that we carry out for on-page SEO optimizations:

  • Correct optimization of metatags: title tags, meta description, and meta keywords;
  • Implementation of the right directives to avoid duplicate content, including canonical rel;
  • XML Sitemap implementation;
  • Creation or correction of the Robots.txt file;
  • SEO friendly URL creation;
  • Optimization of CSS and Javascript files;
  • Minimization of all files (CSS, JS, HTML, PHP, etc.);
  • Reduction of CSS and js calls;
  • Creation of unique and fresh textual content;
  • Image optimization and resizing (implementation of the mod_pagespeed on the server-side, in the case of deep and complex sites);
  • Optimization of the ALT and Title attributes of the images;
  • Optimization of the Anchor Text attribute of the links;

At the end of these interventions, there will also be an improvement in the usability and loading speed of the website pages.


Does your website have structural problems or has it never been optimized?

Contact us for a free quote!